"It's a dangerous business, Frodo, going out your door. You step onto the road, and if you don't keep your feet, there's no knowing where you might be swept off to..."
20 July 2011
Will do some updates of the previous posts and sort out the things that never got through, photos, equipment review and all the rest over the next two weeks hopefully.
Just a quick shout out to everyone that supported me on the race, it would never have been possible to finish this year without it.
To my main sponsers and support, my mom (sorry for all the grey hairs but thanks for the support allowing me to do this dream ride again) and my dad (i now [hopefully] know the trail well enough for next year so we won't get lost...too badly).
Marnitz, dankie vir die saamry en regruk toe ek dit gekort het, die koffie na die stormreen, die terugry om te sien hoe ek klaar maak...daar is nie rerig woorde nie, die cool ding is dat woorde ook nie nodig is nie.
To Mason's Bike Inn for the bike wich has completed its second freedom with exactly the same failure as last year (a broken bottle cage).
To David for having the vision to create this magical route from Pietermaritzburg to Wellington, Meryl for all the organising and making sure we all had somewhere to sleep at night.
The support stations, looking after us, feeding the hungry bodies and souls and helping us achieve the dream and complete the journey. To the rest of the blanket wearers for the community, support, fun on the trail and so much more. To my friends and everyone else i forgot, thanks a million.
05 July 2011
Cathing up
Anysberg, a farewell ride
Gamkaskloof, a hazy shade of winter
greeted me on the other side. Where i cruised down over 70the whole way last year couldnt even get to 50 this time round. Still i will be back for revenge, even if i need to pay someone to drive me up like a downhiller, i will hit 80down there:-). Got to rouxpos after a fun couple of fast downhills in the dark, almost going straight into a porcupine..quite sure i dont carry enough plugs for that type of emergency
Master of the zinkplaat
Baviaans (hanging tough)
Baviaans, the crossing
Started off quite early, 3.30, from bucklands,fantastic hosts. Something else stuffing yourself 3 in the morning cause you will need the energy. Stuck with the group for a while but not going to wait on descents, sometimes feel like i'm just riding for the amazing downhills. When david describes a descent as a ridiculous 400m drop you know you're in for fun. Up the other side and all of the sudden the mountains drop off to the side leaving the most breathtaking view of the baviaans with the ocean in the far far horizon. Going down osseberg is something else,lot of fine tricky lines down, suuuper cool. Started with the first of 11 river crossings, unfortunately with my size and full river the narritives description of thigh deep with no crocs doesn't really inspire confidence:-). The road being semi non-existing normally was very much hide and seek with all the recent rain and flooding. After lot of fun&interesting crossings made it to the last one. Slipped on a rock about halfway through, lurching around in my best drunk elvis impression. Managed to only solidly hit one part of my body instead of taking a full dunking. Unfortunately it was my knee. Taking into account the full river and the others still needing to cross i figured crying won't be the best option,tempting as it might be. Surprised a few kudu a bit further on. Hidden valleys and the extra bit of adventure definitely add to the appeal of the trail. Made it quite early to kudu kaya,but with knee decided to stay put. Unfortunately two of the group couldnt find their way out and spent the night in there, bad sleeping conditions but unrivalled beauty there.
Addo (who needs tubeless)
Start ed at Toekomst and went round the dam,navigation was much easier in the light and went through with little problems. Stuck with the new group through the gwaas. If i had to draw a profile and map from memory no one would ever attempt (or find) the gwaas, had a nightmare through there last year. Realised how much you miss when racing, again a spectacular valley with amazing riding that david found. Having a lot of fun on the bike. Even though the people in the group are great and it is a big bonus not having to open all the gates on your own, i find myself uncomfortable riding in a big group(4 :-)), need to go at my own rythm and pace, especially with my knee which is about a constant 3,4 now. Decided to go ahead and try and make my tubeless work again,the massive thorns all over made me think twice about not having tubeless. Made it to bucklands in a much better state than last year :-). Played around and eventually got tubeless working again,whoopla!
01 July 2011
Ignitor hunter (The unsung heroes)
Ignitor hunter (Aloes Butterflies and Mechanicals)
Phew riding again no walking. Although without tubeless and last tube in wheel, snakebite would mean walking... slow smooth descending. Was amazing sitting there and could count over 100 aloes around me (had the time). 2km on had to strip and rebuild my rear derailleur. Just about everything had gone wrong, but just cruising through this section looking around with hundreds of butterflies all over the place, made it worth while. If yesterday, with the mud, came close to top ten most interesting rides, this was definitely coming in top ten all time best rides. A 'two' hour section took six but I havent felt this good on my bike for a long time, maybe we need the bad to appreciate the good. But this ride, oh man, just about touching perfect.
Stuttgart to Struishoek. Had a great nights rest and started off aiming for Vandeventers. Immediately reconsidered, the going was at times more of a graceful sidewides slide through the mud than a constructive forward motion. Ended up having to walk almost half the way to the Skurfteberg portage. Going over found some snow of previous day, nice fast descent, stopped halfway to put on my heavy duty gloves, fingers so dead couldn't open the gate. From there things got progressively worse with my bike more than faintly resembling a baby elephant. Rolling and sliding through the mud, most of the 'road' after Coetzerskloof varying between very and extremely unrideable. Eventually got to Grootdam, did a scenic 10km extra searching for the turn off. Set off again hoping for drier sections of road. No such luck. Long slide into Struishoek. One day I want to take a dh bike down there, semi rideable for the most part but with the backpack and no one else around so played it safe.
Made it down with a fat smile on my face, smashing downhill and singletrack. Quickly pulled into Struishoek farm to fill bottels and then push on last couple of hours to Van de Venters, which would help making up time to Marnitz. Got a hose and forced that grey brown elephant off my bike. Took bottles, have to go thanks... ok soup sounds great... sitting down 10, 20 min ok would love to sleep over. People like these just add to the character of the race, thanks a million David and Verity!
The small things
Having made up half a day on Marnitz and Tim, the plan was to push another big day and catch up with them and have a ride down with the legends. So off to bed for an early start, set alarm for 3. Woke up with the sun shining into my room... interesting... probably that cold weather messing with the phone again. Decided to just take easy 100km into Stuttgart today, passing the halfway mark at Elandsberg. The portage this year was much easier thanks to the clear entry to the track and not walking in the field alongside it in the dark. Met up with the dog at Elandsberg again, kept my duct tape stashed far away. For the most part today the riding was scenic and easy, if someone could please just turn the headwind off. Almost got shot making my way through the field to the road, after trying a Carl shortcut, buck was shot to my far left but I dropped down with my bike and pack like a trained pro. Fright of my life and an eventful end to day.
Battle of the storm
27 June 2011
Life is beautiful (ter nagedagtenis van Franken)
26 June 2011
Living on a prayer, direct
When u start bonking on a bike you know trouble is on the way. When i started bonking cycling downhill for 500m from the support station with two big portages on the way not a lot went through my mind except maybe survival. Started pushing my bike up,was feeling too weak to pick it up so just dealt with the extra mud and weight accumulating. Backpack must have eaten the dog,thing weighs a ton. Somehow made it to the top,no recollection of the walk up. Left my yummy half digested toast up there. The whole time the prayer kept recycling in my head, i kept adding Lord give me strength. The descend was awesome,steep muddy slippery and brought me out of the haze a bit. Went down,and started making my way to the bonthoek portage.
The bonthoek portage is one of the magical moments of the race, forming the barrier between the mountains behind you and the 'flat' karoo in front of you. Just keep swimming... At the top i sat down,completely depleted,nothing left. Only good thing was that i couldnt really feel my knee anymore. Eventually some sheep came to investigate,had to start smiling and took in some of the views. The descend was muddy,rocky, steep and still iced over, very technical but loads of fun. Somehow at the bottom started feeling a bit better and cruized off to Moordenaarspoort for the night. Once i got there realised i made the 10hr trip in 7. ? Dont know how. Missed a lot of the views but made it,thanx for the prayers oom andre and everyone else.
24 June 2011
The Spraypainters
The stopover at Chesney Wold was as to be expected, something else. The amazing food (which unfortunately never stayed in very long), a warm reception and great hospitality made me feel ready for the next big push. Thought i could try for Kranzkop with an early start and try and catch up to Marnitz a bit. After a hearty breakfast started a bit late, 6.30, and hit the nice and crispy weather outside (about -8), making drinking almost impossible, both bottles froze solidly along with my beard. The best freedom advise i could pass on would be the tips from Carl and Marnitz, when in doubt aim south then west, follow the telephone lines, never ever get frustrated, and my own from experience, grow a beard.
Anyway, as every day there was a lot of scenic riding and i just started getting into a nice rythm climbing up to the first portage when breakfast decided to stay to admire the views. Not the best way to start the day, but almost at the next support station so just gather yourself and keep going. The descend down Kapokkraal was very much rideable this year, the muddy parts still being frozen. Very fun downhill, stopped quickly at the painted farmhouse, so much to see on the trail, should be touring it.
Arrived at Slaapkrans and found Marnitz bike standing there, probably felt the same way he did when he found my bike at Ntsikeni. Went inside and found him in bed, as oom Andre said he should think about starting a spraypainting shop the way he has been redecorating their house. Since i wasn't feeling too great either, and would love to ride with marnitz again, decided to call it a day as well. Stopped at 10.30, a bit unheard of but hey was a fun day out and now i get to rest a bit and give the knee a bit of a break.
Had a lovely middagslapie, woke up close to supper when tim james arrived, a big legend of the race and amazing person. Thought would be really special if i could ride with these two as long as my knee held, might even come close to last year's experience with carl and marnitz. Had a great supper with andre and oyce (can't really thank the support stations enough, these people make you part of their homes and lives and make the journey that much easier). Went to bed early planning to stay with marnitz and tim. Had a peaceful sleep for about 3hours when the fun games began. Give or take an hour every hour till 6 i had to run to avoid a rerun of marnitz's spraypainting of the house, had a interesting cycle going alternating between...well lets not go into the details. Needless to say i really did not feel like riding, rather try and sleep and recover.
Took easy ride into Banchory with Marnitz, great stop over. The next morning was freezing start, but nowhere close to last years -14. Still made for a very cold early morning start. Had a close to perfect day riding with great weather and riding partner. Despite knee not feeling great made good time to Masakala and decided to stay on the bike with Marnitz to Malekholonyane. Arrived there just after dark, great thing seeing my start group again. Had to make the wise/realistic choice and tell Marnitz to push on without me, the knee was seriously not loving long hours on the bike.
Next day started out just aiming for Vuvu before dark, had a interesting poineerig section with Ricky, Di and Deon, reckon our route is faster than the trail out of Malekholonyane. Seemed like another great day of riding coming up, especially with Black fountain on the way. Eventually left the group, just want to keep a steady easy pace with the knee and minimize stopping (much easier on your own). Starting again even after a 5 minute stop feels like a small horse, or a huge rugby player kicking me in the knee for a couple of minutes, seriously not fun.
Got to the top of the ridge and was almost blown off my bike, this wind was something else. Turned off to Black fountain for some amazing singletrack riding and immediately my speed kicked up t about 40km/h. This was without peddaling and going slightly uphill (gives an idea of the windspeed). Actually had to brake quite hard on the downhill to avoid some race threatening crashes, was a lot of fun being blown about half a meter off course for the small jumps that i did take...none of that for the rest of the downhill. Caught up with the ride to rhodes guys at the bottom and we formed a nice group pushing for Vuvu before dark. After some seriously hard headwind riding (people walking faster than what we were riding) made the turn off to the valley. This section of road must compare favourably with the corrugated parts later on for being the worst section of road on the race.
The valley is one those amazing sections of riding that no-one really seems to enjoy while they are there. It is a mixed walk/swim/tight lines of riding with no-one around and an amazing backdrop. Really cool adventurous riding. Made it to Vuvu just before dark after a super cool day of riding some of the best trails around, missed a lot of the scenery because of my knee though. Unfortunately DDR had a epic day out, only arriving at 04:30 the next morning so never saw the rest of my batch again on the trail.
( -->>lehana 1+2)
My knee is keeping a steady 4-6 on the better painscale (for some brilliant humor go check out hyperboleandahalf), but managing quite nicely on between 4 and 8 myprodols each day. Which might be why everything seems so pretty, but i've found this new riding partner or rather that friendly red dragon thats persistently following me. In any case lots of sheep/easy food along the way so i should be fine. Made it to the start of last climb still feeling great,started climbing nice and easy rythm and then it hit me. Or rather my lunch hit the side of the road. Thought might have been the soup so had something to eat and drink and carried on to overnight stop. Got there nice and frosted, nothing better than a warm shower after a 6km -something descend. Met up with Errol and Estelle (two amazing rasa riders, keep it up guys!) Had some coke (i know) to help settle my stomach and had to run for the bathroom. Definitely the pills so time to stop the drug abuse, hate them anyway.
20 June 2011
Trail update 2
Unfortunately picked up knee problems,decided to stop early and sleep over at some locals,next morning saw the chicken nest i almost stepped into at the bottom of my bed.
Started off feeling very good,but hit the first climb and knew i was in trouble. Knee started locking up and had a very painfull 6.30hours up what would normally be a 3hour section...time for breakfast...
to be continued
Sent from my Nokia phone
Trail update
First off, this year is proving to be way more a mental challenge than a physical one. The first day of riding started off at pmb,with great weather and a smashing sunrise. The aim for the day has always been ntsikeni,about 200km away. Hit the halfway mark at allendale still feeling refreshed from my swim over the umkomaas. Had a look at the rapid/crossing and knew was going to get washed away so put everything in my dry b
Sent from my Nokia phone
09 June 2011
Oh well, for all the exitement i'm feeling it could have been much worse.
Yip hard to believe it is time for the Freedom Challenge again, 2400km of breath taking riding over the country. Luckily at the moment it seems like i might catch a break from the weather, forecasts are nowhere close to last years -12'C starts. Lets hope thats not basking in the sunsine that might never be there.
Still unsure if i will be blogging from the trail this year. The main reason for this post is to help create awareness for the Freedom Scholarship fund, a bit late on the wagon i know but whatever.
So this year i'm doing the Freedom again with the following two main goals:
Raise R30 000 for the Freedom Scholarship fund.
Raise R30 000 for Die Herberg.
Feel free to have a look at these projects and even more so to donate to these causes!
Have fun watching us getting lost!
20 February 2011
On a more cheerful note i've decided to go back o boot camp and do the freedom again so hope to see some of you on the trail. Happy training!
Still coming home
Coming back seems to take a while emotionally. We miss the slowness and the simplicity of things - not rushing off to finish self-inflicted ...
So the official rematch was on. Woke up got ready and hit the road to Jonkershoek, getting used to the extra weight of the backpack but stil...
Still not quite sure what to do with myself, busy updating the blog and sorting through the photo's. i've successfully beaten the dr...
So with two days left to get to Mulanje which was only 85km away the long way round the mountain seemed like a good plan. Wasn't too sur...